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Welcome to the E Toilet Sales Blog 🙂

Posted 02/04/2013

E Toilet Sales started in the summer of 2010, when two friends on holiday thought setting up a Portable Toilet Company in the UK would be a good idea. After many beers later E Toilet Sales was born ! Why E Toilet Sales, well one of the previous directors Trevor Leake ran another company called ETS so we had to try and find words that fitted with the letters ETS. We also incorporated the word toilet nicely too…

In October 2010 we registered Easy Toilet Service and were lucky enough to become the UK distributers for Armal portable toilets and accessories.

In 2011 we had to change our name from Easy Toilet Services to E Toilet Sales as the use of orange toilets with the word Easy felt like we were trying to imitate a well know company brand.

In 2021, Site Equip Acquired ETS and rebranded to E Toilet Sales.

It was fantastic last year when we hired our toilets out for the Olympic Park and were in an fantastic position at Stratford Station…

Portable toilets on Stratford Station 2012 for the Olympics

How to set up a re-circulating portable chemical toilet

How to set up a Re-circulating Portable Chemical Toilet

Your Re-circulating portable chemical toilet works on a re-circulating basis therefore the fluid collected in the base of the waste tank is recycled and used for flushing. After receiving your chemical toilet there are a few simple instructions you will need to follow in order to prepare your toilet for use:

  • Lift the toilet seat lid completely and expose the base of the tank, you will see in the bottom of the tank a hose and filter, which is attached to the pull flush handle.
  • Take your blue chemical additive and pour in the required amount.
  • Once the chemical has been added, you will need to add water approx 15-20 litres0 enough to cover the filter bag attached to the hose, situated in the base of the tank.
  • On the completion of the above, place down the complete tank lid and pull the flushing handle to test the toilet is drawing up the fluid from the tank, if it is not you may need to add a little more water or pull the handle a couple of times to extract air.
  • Once the water and chemical are flowing through the flush pump, the toilet is ready to use.

The tank can contain an estimated 200 litres of fluid before it is in urgent need of emptying. Frequently check on the tank to decide when it needs emptying.

Wet waste disposal companies within your area can be found in a local directory or yellow pages.

If you have any problems with your Re-circulating portable chemical toilet please contact our servicing team  on 01992 899453

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E Toilet Sales at London Monuments

E Toilet Sales at London Monuments

E Toilet Sales have delivered 14 toilets to one of the famous London Monuments delivering a perfect service to its users. You never know, soon E-Toilets might reach even higher, London Monuments what’s next?…Soon we will find out. Keep in touch to find out where else E-Toilets are going.